The application form for the Call for Proposals will be open on May 16, 2019, one day after the RPA Human(e) AI Launch Event. The following information will be required:
- Title proposal (10 words max)
- Contact details of applicant and co-applicant(s)
- Selected RPA theme
- Description of research activity (include key question(s), design/method, innovative aspects, WP(s)): 500 words
- Description of planned output (include publication plan and possible grant application, including theme and deadline): 200 words
- Description of outreach activity (describe activity, goal, audience and anticipated impact): 100 words
- Budget and planning (describe – in bullets – costs for teaching replacement or dedicated time, costs for research (eg assistance, participants, materials, processing capacity): 100 words
- Ethical plan (indicate ethical considerations and -if possible- pre-ethical clearance): 50 words
- Data plan: Describe the data collection, usage, and storage plan: 50 words
- Link with ICAI initiative (where applicable): 50 words
Each applicant should also include:
A one-page CV (font size 12, 1.0 line space) and up to 10 selected publications (separate page). The CV should contain:
- Personal details: name, education, nature of current employment, research breaks (e.g., child care or other types of leave)
- Scientific interest and profile
- Academic awards and grants
- Research leadership experience
- Interdisciplinary experience
- Affinity and track record in AI research
If teaching replacement is requested, each participant needs to attach an additional approval letter, written by the head of section/department.