For over three decades, the University of Amsterdam has featured world-class research and education programmes on artificial intelligence (AI). To accelerate this work, the UvA launches a new Research Priority Area, Human(e) AI, which aims to synthesise ongoing work and stimulate new research on the societal consequences of AI. More information can be found here.
An important part of the RPA Human(e) AI is a ‘seed grant’ program. This program is aimed at fostering collaboration to investigate the societal implications of AI. The program offers faculty at the UvA the opportunity to conduct collaborative, interdisciplinary research. The grants are typically carried out in interdisciplinary teams. In addition to the research, the grant can be used as a seed grant for preparing an AI-related grant application. The seeds grants will typically be carried out within one of the three major foci.
The grants have a duration of max 1 year, counting from the starting date. The grants have a value of max EUR 15.000 per person per year. This can be used for temporary teaching replacement or dedicated time to the research project. In addition, up to EUR 5.000 for AI data collection/processing costs can be applied for per project.
The grants are available to all assistant, associate and full professors as well as post-doc/researchers at the UvA. At least one application must have a tenured contract. This is the first grant application round. Future rounds are envisioned in the RPA.
Application procedure:
- Applications should be submitted no later than April 15, 2020.
- Applications should be submitted via email (see instructions at the bottom of this page).
- Decisions will be taken in beginning of May.
- The grants will be transferred to the faculties of the grantees in September 2020
- The research would need to start between September 2020 and April 2021.
- Decisions are made by the RPA Human(e) AI Steering Committee, using the criteria below
Evaluation criteria include:
- Involvement of minimal 2 different faculties at the UvA
- Minimum of 2 researchers (Assistant/Associate/Full Professors or Post-Doc/Researchers) with main affiliation at the UvA (maximum 3)
- Innovative idea
- Alignment with one of the three RPA themes
- The seed funding project is available for research that is to be executed within the UvA
- Clear output (publication and grants) and outreach and contribution to the RPA Human(e) AI plan
- Academic excellence and track record in AI related research
- Link with ICAI initiative (where applicable)
- The committee may also apply additional macro criteria such as disciplinary, gender, thematic and programmatic diversity
- Letter of support by the head of the department or group
To submit, please send your proposal to using this submission form.