Our upcomming events


20 November 2023

#23 Humane Conversation – Trust or Transparency? Interacting with AI with Nicole Krämer and Chris Starke

We are pleased to announce our hybrid Humane AI Conversation at the Institute of Advanced Studies at Oude Turfmarkt 147 on Tuesday, the 21st of November, between 12:30 and 13:30.…

11 November 2023

#22 Humane Conversation – Design Justice Labs: An Approach to Critical AI Studies with Lauren M. E. Goodlad and Anna Schjøtt Hansen, Dieuwertje Luitse, Tobias Blanke

On Monday, November 20, Lauren M. E. Goodlad, a distinguished Professor of English at Rutgers University and Editor-in-Chief and Co-founder of the new interdisciplinary journal Critical AI, will discuss design…

6 September 2023

#21 Humane Conversation – AI Development and Philosophy: In the Past and the Future with John W. Murphy and Randon Taylor

Algorithms have emerged as the key culprits contributing to the misery currently reported at workplaces and other organizations.  The primary complaint is that this technology fosters the mistreatment of persons. …

30 August 2023

Connecting Humane AI at the University of Amsterdam 10 November 2023

The RPA Human(e) AI warmly invites scientific staff members of the UvA who have a broad interest in or are working on AI, who are interested in the ongoing work…

2 May 2023

Special webinar “Digital Transformations in Latin American News Landscape” by Humane Conversations, IAMCR & DMSO

On the 5th of May, 2023, at 4:30 PM CET, we will be joined by four esteemed speakers, Professor Pablo J. Boczkowski from Northwestern University in the USA, Prof. Mireya…

23 February 2023

#18 Humane Conversation – Automating Fairness? Artificial Intelligence in the Chinese Court with Rachel E. Stern and Ljubiša Metikoš

Join us on Monday, the 17th of April, from 16:00 to 17:30 where professor Dr Rachel E. Stern will talk about the Chinese legal system and its increasingly widespread adoption…

15 April 2022

Workshop – (Un)fairness of Artificial Intelligence Call for proposals

Socio-technical systems imbued with artificial intelligence (AI) increasingly shape democracy by making important decisions, for example, in public administration (AlgorithmWatch, 2019), media (Thurman et al., 2019), and the legal system …

11 February 2022

#10 Humane Conversation – Stereotypes in Language & Computational Language Models with Katrin Schulz, Robert van Rooij, Anthi Solaki

In these two interdisciplinary projects, Katrin Schulz - professor of logic at the department of philosophy of Universiteit van Amsterdam - and Robert van Rooij - director of the Institute…

6 February 2022

#9 Humane Conversations – “How to tame an evil AI?” with Iyad Rahwan, Christopher Starke, and Anthi Solaki

https://youtu.be/6YsfDgk2dMw Guest speakers: Iyad Rahwan Director of the Center for Humans and Machines Max Planck Institute for Human Development Moderators: Anthi Solaki and Christopher Starke Responsible AI - Human(e) AI…

26 November 2021

#9 Humane Conversations – “How to tame an evil AI?” with Iyad Rahwan

In this talk, using only cartoons illustrated by Iyad Rahwan, the director of the Center for Humans and Machines Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin, we will explore…

29 September 2021

#8 Humane Conversations – “Developing AI for Healthcare” with Ivana Išgum and Hannah van Kolfschooten

https://youtu.be/_OWoTbJBFyI Guest speakers: Prof. Dr. Ivana Išgum Professor of AI and Medical Imaging - Universiteit van Amsterdam Hannah van Kolfschooten Lecturer and PhD Researcher of International and European Health Law -…

29 September 2021

#8 Humane Conversations – “Developing AI for Healthcare” with Ivana Išgum

AI holds a promise to revolutionize healthcare. It has the potential to improve the quality of care by improving diagnosis and prognosis, reducing growing healthcare costs through automation, and making…

8 July 2021

Lunch at ICAI: AI & the Public Sector in NL organised by ICAI

This Lunch at ICAI session is focused on AI technology in the public sector. The Cultural AI lab and the Civic AI lab each present their work and discuss challenges…

30 June 2021

AI & Society Roundtable organised by Humane AI Net

The RPA Human(e) AI would like to bring your attention to the following event, organised by Humane AI Net:   Background A collective intelligence exercise towards shaping the research questions…

27 May 2021

Humane Conversations #7 with Max Welling, Beate Rössler and Raquel Fernández

The role of artificial intelligence is gaining increasing prominence across a myriad of sectors in our society. In fields such as healthcare, security, agriculture, media and more, AI applications have…