
Launch event

The University of Amsterdam launched the Research Priority Area (RPA) Human(e) AI on May 15, in an event attended by over 150 researchers, staff members and students. The RPA is a multi-year program encompassing all UvA faculties aiming to synthesise ongoing work and stimulate new research on the societal consequences of the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) and automated decision-making (ADM) in a wide variety of societal areas.


2020 Event

On February 11th we kicked off the next round of seed funding with a symposium & matchmaking event at the Volkshotel. Opening the symposium, Rector Karen Maex spoke encouraging words about the UvA’s committment to societal consequences and AI for people. Then, Claes de Vreese highlighted some key developments in the field of AI and opened the second round of seed funding for the RPA Human(e) AI. Catelijne Muller delivered a keynote on responsible use of AI as President of the ALLAI – Alliance on Artificial Intelligence – and Member of the EU High Level Expert Group on AI ( After a short break, the brainstorm began in two breakout sessions were new ideas came to life. We would like to thank everyone in contributing to these vivid discussions!