The Amsterdam Machine Learning Lab (AMLab) conducts research in the area of large scale modelling of complex data sources. This includes the development of new methods for probabilistic graphical models and nonparametric Bayesian models, the development of faster (approximate) inference and learning methods, deep learning, causal inference, reinforcement learning and multi-agent systems and the application of all of the above to large scale data domains in science and industry (“Big Data problems”).
Max Welling and Joris Mooij are co-directing AMLab. Max Welling is also co-director of the QUVA lab and Delta Lab. QUVA lab is a joint research lab between the University of Amsterdam and Qualcomm Technologies focused on deep learning and computer vision. Delta Lab is a joint research lab between the University of Amsterdam and Bosch Research focused on deep learning. Max Welling has a secondary appointment at the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR). Joris Mooij was recently awarded a NWO VIDI grant and an ERC Starting Grant on causal inference. Other faculty in AMLab include Ben Kröse (professor at the Hogeschool Amsterdam) doing research in ambient robotics, Dariu Gavrila (Daimler) known for his research in human aware intelligence and Zeynep Akata (scientific co-director of Delta Lab and co-affiliated with Max Planck Institute for Informatics) doing research on machine learning applied to the intersection of vision and language.