Today, 15 September, the several units of the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS) will be (virtually) launched throughout Europe – including at the Dutch Amsterdam Science park. The network counts in total 30 units and aimts to create a strong community in the field of Machine Learning and AI in Europe, thus making the continent more appealing for talented researchers and more competitive in the domain of AI.
‘At ELLIS we do research over diverse branches of AI: information retrieval, multi media, computer vision, natural language processing and machine learning’, explains Max Welling, Professor of Machine Learning and one of the founders and board member of ELLIS. ‘A very important component of ELLIS Amsterdam is the Geometric Deep Learning Research Program. Here we want to obtain an understanding of machine learning foundations through geometrical mathematics in order to expand the scope of the former and to attain new applications. This way, our programme puts Europe in the epicentre of gemoetric deep leanring’.
At ELLIS Amsterdam there will be twenty researchers working from three different UvA institutes: the Institute for Informations, de Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics an the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation. They work now together with colleagues of the other 29 European units, inter alia through short-term exchanges of researchers. There is also cooperation with parties outside the scientific world, for example in the labs of the Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence (ICAI at Science Park with, among others, Qualcomm, Ahold, Delhaize, TomTom, Bosch and Elsevier.
On the virtual launch agenda there is also a compilation video, where the thirty European units introduce themselves and describe the pillars of their research. The video will be available on their website after the launch
Original post on the UvA Website